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Learn How to Get an Emergency Passport and an Expedited Passport

When you're applying for a US passport, it's usually fine to just go through the routine passport application process. After all, the four to six week waiting time is often reasonable if you don't really need to travel out of the country soon. But in cases where you can't wait that long, you have a choice of having an expedited passport application or getting an emergency passport.

First, let's discuss applying for an expedited passport. This is the type of passport application you would commonly need if you want to get your passport faster than the routine passport application. In cases where you cannot wait for the four to six weeks of processing that routine passports go through, an expedited passport is what you need.

Compared to routine passport applications, expedited passports are usually processed within a two to three week period. And because routine passport applications sometimes take longer than six weeks to process, the US Department of State recommends travelers who need to leave the country in ten weeks to have their application expedited instead. For some, two to three weeks is still a long waiting period. However, it definitely is a huge improvement from the routine application.

Why would you need an expedited passport? You generally need to have your US passport application expedited if you need to travel outside of the country in less than two weeks. Aside from that, expedited applications are recommended to those who need their passports within four weeks when applying for a foreign visa.

What if there's a family emergency outside the country, and you still don't have a passport to travel? You surely cannot wait two to three weeks for emergencies like this. Your loved ones cannot wait and you need to be there for them very quickly.

In times of family emergencies, the US Department of State issues emergency passports to its citizens. This is applicable to anyone who has family emergencies outside of the country and has to travel in 48 hours or less. So if this kind of situation applies to you, you will be eligible to apply for an emergency passport.

Now how does one apply for an emergency passport? In case you find your family outside the country in an emergency situation, all you need to do is to contact the National Passport Information Agency. This agency is the one tasked to deal with emergency passport applications. Because of the nature of its work, you can call the agency's office at any time of the day. However, in cases where you cannot set an appointment with them, you can talk to a customer service representative who can provide you with further assistance.

The two that we mentioned above are the two options you have if you need to get a United States passport quickly, and cannot afford to go through the routine passport application. Usually, an expedited passport application would work for most people. But in cases where you are faced with a family emergency, the emergency passport is what you need to leave the country in less than 48 hours.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3355886
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